Want to see what I've done? Here are just a few of the money-making direct mail pieces I have written for clients with great results. Will your project be next?
Showing Donors How Their Dollars Are Bringing the Cure One Big Step Closer
May 2021
Research and test tubes. Not exactly the tearjerker story! This not-for-profit research lab asked me to compile their best medical research accomplishments into a year-end newsletter to share with donors. Notice how the articles are all focused on what "YOU" have done to change the world. Even the most sterile of environments can feel warm and fuzzy in great fundraising!
Using a Success Story to Inspire Possibilities
Fall 2022
The new director of fundraising at the National Space Society (NSS) asked me to help put together a 4-page appeal for their donors. I interviewed a student who had participated in many NSS programs, and used her story to help readers understand the multi-faceted impact their support can make. She truly moved from a kids' camp, to a Boeing engineer and budding space pilot!
Email Campaign for Mental Health Institute
November 2020
2020 was a tough year for many. The team at Beautiful Minds asked me to help amp up their end-of-year fundraising with an email campaign sharing the very personal needs they meet. This is just one of the messages sent throughout November and December. Happily, they reached and surpassed their fundraising goals!
Heartfelt Appeal to Help Refugees Reunite
December 2019
The International Institute of Minnesota helps refugees resettle and reunite in a new country. They wanted to tell Pascal's incredible story with dignity. And they hoped to educate supporters on how their gifts prepare people to thrive in their new communities.
December 2018
Playmakers asked me to create their first-ever appeal letter. We told the emotional story of Jareome and asked supporters to donate to this small nonprofit dedicated to instilling character and leadership qualities in at-risk children
May 2018
This appeal for the college annual fund focuses on scholarships and allowed potential donors to feel the importance of making a gift. Matching gifts bring urgency to the request.
This is a a 2-piece letter with package, including an attached reply slip, envelope teaser, an return envelope.